The agency ONYX has been founded in 1994.
ONYX specializes in non-standard marketing projects.
The group employs about 40 employees.
ONYX offices operate in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk.
The group employs about 40 employees.
ONYX offices operate in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk.
The company's code.
Each member of our team tries to quality work on the site, in order not to let friends and contribute to the common cause, since it is only through the overall success of one will be the most successful of us individually. We support each other, help each other and remember that a good result is single- result of the whole team.
Our team - our greatest value.
Features of our team - in spite of the difficulties, the ability to go to the target, support and help each other, the leadership in the business, responsibility, diligence, creativity, honesty, initiative, friendliness, ability to make a profit.
The main criteria of our work - increase in the number of permanent national clients, positive customer feedback on our work, profit. We appreciate our loyal customers and partners. They are the basis of our professional growth and well-being.
Our team - our greatest value.
Features of our team - in spite of the difficulties, the ability to go to the target, support and help each other, the leadership in the business, responsibility, diligence, creativity, honesty, initiative, friendliness, ability to make a profit.
The main criteria of our work - increase in the number of permanent national clients, positive customer feedback on our work, profit. We appreciate our loyal customers and partners. They are the basis of our professional growth and well-being.